Hydra detects deficiencies in the product and adjusts systematically the settings of the machines online
Hydra installed through the process helps to increase the yield and to permanently stick to laws' parameters. In addition, it can be customized in order to satisfy every Client's need.

What is it?
Hydra for cereals & seeds is an innovative device designed exclusively for all types of cereals and seeds (durum and soft wheat, legumes, soy, barley, etc.) able to analyze decortication wastes in real time, optimizing production. Hydra installed online in a plant measures the lost starch and, in continuous time, adjusts the setpoints of the decorticators reducing energy consumption, optimizing wastes and increasing the yield. Hydra is FCM ready.

It is installed online on decorticators (also on rolling mill), working 24/7, just like an operator would do. Thanks to its Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Vision features, it analyzes what you are discarding in the decortication phase and, connected to the decorticators’ PLC, modifies the set-point, increasing the yield. At the same time, you can see how you are milling the product, limiting energy consumption and the loss of quality of the semolina. Hydra is the only device existing on the market that – aside from analyzing online your production – also communicates with existing automation systems as it works within the Internet of Things (IoT).
It is an investment of Industry 4.0.
How does it work?
Hydra introduces uncountable benefits to the plant it is installed. Among all the benefits, there is an increase of yield, a decrease of energy consumption and a stabilization of the production process.

With the help of Hydra, you can adjust your production process in order to stabilize the presence of ashes in the product, or in one step of the process. In this way, you can produce without drift during the process period.

With Hydra, you can adjust your production process in order to reduce the presence of products in the wastes. In this way, you will reduce the total weight of what you are discarding, managing to increase the production volume.

With Hydra, you can heavily modify your production process, rediscover it, modify it and, finally, validate it. This, results in a substantial increase of the production yield. The data you see in the image are real.

With Hydra you can detect the presence of food allergens (soy, nuts, hazelnuts, etc.) and pesticides in your raw material or in your semolina/flour.
The intelligent

Intelligent, not smart. It’s different.
Read here.
Caronte Consulting has studied and designed a specific device dedicated to each phase of the milling, from the very beginning where the wheat is bought on the market, to the very end where it leaves out the mill.
Contact us to get more information about this innovative project!
In the photographs below, two Hydra for cereals machines installed on durum wheat waste pipes inside Industria Molitoria Mininni, Altamura, Italy.

Find out other versions of Hydra
Our devices can be used in all types of industry, from the raw material to the finished product.